Mosquito Control

Mission Statement:
To provide the citizens of Gulf County with a detailed integrated mosquito control program to promote public health and an enhanced quality of life through the suppression and control of viral and pestiferous mosquitoes using proven and innovative methods provided by our dedicated and educated technicians.
To be accountable to the Board of County Commissioners and the public; to ensure protection of environmental concerns; to ensure a rigorous pesticide safety program for employees and the public; to comply with all state and federal law regulations and standards, and compile required records of activities.
Integrated Pest Management Program:
- Surveillance
(12) CDC Light Traps distributed around county (Required for justification to spray)
Landing Rate Counts (by licensed Inspectors) Required for justification to spray
Sentinel Chicken Program- (5) sites in county where  weekly testing for West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, St. Louis Encephalitis, and Highlands J Virus take place. (This program has been suspended due to budget restraints.)
Visual inspection counts-(performed by licensed inspectors) Required for justification to spray
Stable Flies (Dog Flies): Aerial spray applications for dog flies along the Gulf County beaches have been suspended by the State until further notice.
- Inspections
Public Phone Calls: We use public phone calls to initiate an  inspection of the immediate area from where the phone call originated. From there we perform State approved surveillance, assess areas of concern for mosquito breeding sites, check for living larva/pupae, document our findings and inform the property owner.
Larval Control
Gambusia (mosquito fish) 
- Adult Control
(4) ULV ground applicators from pickup trucks
(1) ULV ground applicator from ATV
Educational Mosquito Awareness program geared toward Middle School students in Gulf County.
Printed materials available at GCMC for eliminating standing water around your residence
Informative links about mosquitoes and arthropod borne disease (Coming Soon!!)
Source Reduction
This part of our program is closely connected with Gulf County Public Works Department. We work closely with this invaluable department to eliminate areas determined to be mosquito-breeding sites within the county.
Maintaining ditches with proper grade to allow run-off water to be moving and filling in ditches that are too deep are examples of how our departments work together to accomplish a common goal.
Target certain aquatic weeds that provide protection and, in certain species, oxygen for the larvae. (Coming Soon!!)
Contact Info:
Mark Cothran
Austin Horton
Assistant Director
Karen Collinsworth and Mandy Smith
Staff Assistants
Charles Toney
Mosquito Inspector I
Phone: (850) 227-1401
Fax: (850) 665-3429
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
725 Knowles Ave
Port St. Joe, Florida 32457-0913
Related Links: